Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Class of 2014

Class of 2014,
So, the first term is now over. You have reaped what you have sown.
What should you do the same way?
What do you need to change yesterday?
What really matters?
What are you here on Earth to do?
Think about these questions and act on the answers you get.

As usual, I will be staying after most days this week.  Don't miss out on a quiet and warm place to get done what you know needs doing. With high schools making their choices over the next couple of months, you absolutely want to show them you are pushing yourself. So many of you have made so much improvement in the past two months. Keep at it. 
You still have plenty of time to grow, but only if you push yourself will you become a positive force for change. Get it!


Below are some of the materials and resources you can refer to and use if you need.

This mean and ugly old guy wants to see you be your best.
Taking responsibility for YOU is the most important thing you will do.
Be true to yourself and remember what your personal goals are.
Don't let other people get in your way of a meaningful life.
Live every day in a way that you won't have to ever look back with regrets at opportunities you missed.

What's in the News weekly assignment

Your weekly diary (journal) assignment specifics are below.

Citing sources in research




Here is the link to the Elements of Literature textbook http://www.nexuslearning.net/books/Holt-EOL2/default.htm


Literary Terms to know by the end of 7th grade.


Independent Nightly Reading Log 


"I Am From ... " Possible Topics

"I am ___ " Template


Possible Topics for “Persuasive A”
1. Students should be able to eat outside.
2. Walking in lines is for kids.
3. We should raise funds to get all students laptops.
4. We should go on more trips.
5. A different cell phone policy should be in place.
6. Students should have some say in their schedules.
7. Graduation should __________.
8. Is there some other thing you want to see changed here?


Voices of Teens --  Assignment #3
1. I used to be _____ , but now I’m _____ .
2. Doing the right thing instead of giving in to negative peer pressure
3. Doing the wrong thing after giving in to negative peer pressure
4. What is the value of writing about your life like we are doing?
5. Teenagers smoking this and that and drinking alcohol – big deal or no big deal?
6. My name-brand clothes – I can’t live without them, or can I?
7. Free Choice – What’s on your mind that I didn’t include on this list? Get it down.

Voices of Teens --  Assignment #4
1. Being afraid of something in your life
2. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
3. A time when something great happened that was unexpected
4. Do you ever have the feeling you are not accepted or understood by your by friends,
family or peers?
5. Do you have any negative thoughts you can’t seem to shake?
6. Have you ever had to keep an important secret?

Voices of Teens --  Assignment #5
1. I wear a mask to cover up how I really feel.
2. Tell the life’s story of somebody you love.
3. Peer pressure – how it affects you or the people around you
4. Not feeling like you look perfect
5. Having trouble with schoolwork … or … being really good at school
6. Free Choice – What is on your mind?

Voices of Teens --  Assignment #6
1. A relationship that did not turn out the way you wanted it
2. What advice would you give to a younger sibling about how to deal with being a teen?
3. “Silence will get you nowhere in life.” Agree or disagree?
4. The best advice you ever got from somebody
5. Who has inspired you? Why?
6. Adults should listen to teenagers more, because we really know what is going on.
7. Free choice: non-fiction


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